Schools Program


The River Road Schools Program is focused on providing supplementary learning and support to existing curricula via engaging Face to Face or online programs, workshops, events or individual sessions. We bring to your classroom some the best industry practitioners, capable of delivering highly engaging and motivating learning experiences, including our Creative Music Making Program, and Stop Motion Filmmaking Program.


Creative Development Programs, within an engaging, inspiring and supportive environment.

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For further enquiries or to organise a meeting or trial session with your school, please contact Pat Nellestein




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Corporate Programs


Our Corporate Program is focused on providing Australian workplaces engaging, fun, and practical professional development solutions, aimed at developing and maintaining key transferable skills, pivotal to successfully navigating challenges of the modern work day. This includes such areas as creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and wellbeing.

But a River Road Corporate Workshop is not your typical professional development or team building exercise - we use various art forms as a vehicle to explore and develop these valuable skills, including Music Making, Drumming and Percussion workshops, and Stop Motion Filmmaking.